The Scout Troop is one of the primary sections of 6th Kowloon Group in Diocesan Boys’ School, providing training to students whom qualifies as members between the age of 11 & 16. Following our constitution, culture and years of services, our Troop has become an integral part of DBS’ annual operations. We help the school co-ordinate services and manage certain events, and has been recognized as one of the leading student bodies. We also lead in social responsibilities when required, acting as leader in occasional disaster relieves to other social services. Together with our challenging activities and ranking system, we will continue to strife for excellence.
Member life:
Once qualified as a member, each Member will be sorted into a Patrol depending on their personalities, affinities and general tendencies. Each Patrol is run by a Patrol Leader (usually age 15-16) with his assistants, these student leaders will be in charge of maintaining the Patrol’s training and culture, hosting patrol meetings regularly to keep our training intense. Their progress and concerns will be monitored by Senior Students (usually age 15-17), whom will supervise these young leaders to ensure they are on track and prepared for more. The whole operation will be constantly challenged and monitored by our Adult Scout Leader, who reports the Troop’s progress to our Group Scout Leader and Group President (Headmaster).
General Meetings:
All members of the Scout Troop will garrison on every Saturday from 09:00 to 12:30 for General meeting, where Troop training continues to challenge members with fun but demanding tasks, it is our goal to teach through these General Meetings, so other than just theory crafting, our boys get plenty of field experience as well.
The Scout Troop is highly Organized, with ultimate responsibility with Group Scout Leader (GSL). GSL is appointed by Group President (Mr. Ronnie KY Cheng) and in turns GSL nominates a Scout Leader (SL) among old boys to run the Operations of the Troop. Under SL guidance, Students starts at form 1-3 focusing on teamwork and basic skills. By Form 3-4 becoming they become Senior members and training switches into leadership focused on how to manage a team. By Form 5-6 graduating senior members will become the student leaders of the troop, sharing their experiences and organizing activities for the Troop under the guidance of SL and GSL.
This is our home page, feel free to check out our training details under our Training sector, those who are interested in joining, please contact us at [email protected]